12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Татьяна Якушина2277
Учитель английского и немецкого языков высшей категории МБОУ СОШ 7, классный руководитель,руководитель ШМО.
Россия, Ставропольский край, п.Коммаяк

Технологическая карта урока по английскому языку в 5 классе:

«Путешествие в страну английского языка»

Цель урока: формировать и развивать коммуникативную, социокультурную компетенцию.


  1. Развивать и совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме «Я, моя семья».
  2. Активизировать навыки аудирования, диалогической и монологической речи.
  3. Отрабатывать навыки чтения.
  4. Совершенствовать навыки употребления глагола «to be» в настоящем времени.


  • карточки с картинками ключей, карточки для составления диалогов, карточки с заданиями для аудирования;
  • аудиофайл с текстом для аудирования;
  • лингафонный кабинет.


Ход урока

I.                   Организационный момент. Приветствие.

- Hello, boys and girls.

II.                Постановка цели и задач урока.

- Today we’ve got an unusual lesson. We are going to the Land of English. We are to go from the start to the finish of this land. There are some stops on the way. Every stop has got a task. We’ll talk about a family, you’ll listen to the text, revise numerals, do some grammar exercises and will do a lot of other interesting things. If you do the task – you will get a key. If you have got keys – the door will be opened.  Are you ready to start? Let’s do it.

    III.       Фонетическая зарядка.

               - Our first station is called “Phonetics”.

               - Look at the board, please. Name the sounds.








-          Say as many words as you can with them.

-          Well done! You’ve got Key № 1.


IV.             1. Развитие навыков чтения на основе незнакомого текста.

-          Let’s read the text and then answer the questions.

                  Учащиеся читают текст (сначала один ученик, затем по цепочке.)

                 I’m  Alex. I’m from London. I’m twelve. I’ve got a family. I’ve got a mother. Her name is Mary. I’ve got a father. His name is John. I’ve got a brother and a sister. My brother’s name is Dan. He is sixteen. My sister’s name is Helen. She is five. I’ve got a grandmother. Her name is Kate.

                 2. Составление вопросов и ответы на них.

                 - Max, you are Alex now. Children, ask him questions, please.

                (Дети задают вопросы Алексу.)

               That’s great! We’ve got Key № 2.

                3. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

                -Get ready to speak about yourself. I’ll name the word, you make up the    sentence with this word.

      1) name

      2) from

      3) eleven

      4) family

      5) mother

      6) father

      7) brother

      8) sister

      9) hobby

     10) can

- And now tell us a story about yourself.

- I like your stories very much and you’ve got Key № 3.

       4. Развитие навыков составления диалогов.

        - Our following stop is «Dialogue». Your task is to put the sentences in the right order to make the dialogue.

1.  - Hello!

-          Hi!

-          What’s your name?

-          My name is Lizzy. And what’s your name?

-          I’m Abby.

-          Where are you from, Abby?

-          I’m from Glasgow, Scotland. And you?

-          I’m from Leeds.

-          Nice to meet you, Lizzy.

-          Nice to meet you.


2.      - Hi, my name’s Kate. What’s your name?

-          Hi, my name’s Dasha. Nice to meet you, Kate.

-          Nice to meet you, too. Dasha, how are you.

-          I’m fine thank you. How are you?

-          I’m fine, too. Ok I must be going now.

-          It’s been nice talking to you.

-          Yes. See you.

-          Bye.


3.      -Hello!

-          Hi!

-          How are you?

-          I’m fine. How are you?

-          Good. Do you speak English?

-          A little. Are you American?

-          Yes, I am.

-          Where are you from?

-          I’m from California.

-          Nice to meet you.

-          Nice to meet you, too.


4.      - Excuse me, what’s your name?

-          My name is Dave. What’s yours?

-          John.

-          You speak English very well.

-          Thank you.

-          Do you know what time is it?

-          It’s 5:10 PM.

-          Thanks.

-          You are welcome.


5.      - Excuse me, Jack, what’s your friend’s name?

-          His name is David.

-          Where is he from?

-          He is from Cardiff. Why?

-          You see, I’m from Cardiff, too.

-          Best regards to him.

-          Ok. Bye.

-          Bye.


-          That’s great. We’ve got Key № 4.


V.                Практика в аудировании.

Our following station is “Listening”. The task is to listen to the text and answer the questions.

        You can hear some unknown words for you.

        - primary

        - secondary

        - high

        - modern


1. Where is Jimmy from?

А) Canada                       B) The USA                   C) Great Britain


2. How old is he?

А) Nine                           B) Ten                            C) Eleven


3. How many best friends does he have?

А) two                            B) three                           C) four



4. Who are American?

А) Jane and Maria          B) Billy and Maria         C) Jane and Billy


5. Who is Italian?

А) Billy                          B) Jane                            C) Maria


6. What school do they go to?

А) Primary                     B) High                           C) Secondary


7. What is the name of the school?

А) New York                  B) Lincoln                      C) American


8. What class are they in?

А) 5C                              B) 5A                              C) 5B


9. New York is … .

А) an old town                B) a small town               C) a modern city


10. Who likes New York very much?

А) Jane                            B) Jimmy                        С) Billy


Let’s check your answers.

Well done! Thank you. You’ve got Key № 5.

VI.             Повторение грамматики.

Сказка про глагол “to be”.

Now I’ll tell you my very short fairytale about the verb “to be”.

It’s the main verb. Everything begins with this verb. We call him father be.

It has got three sons (am, is, are). They are very clever and merry.

The son am lives in house number 1. It is used for the pronoun I.

The son are lives in a house number two. It’s used for the pronouns you, they.

And the cleverest is the son is. He lives in a house number three.


You should fill in the gaps with the verb “to be”.


1. I … a pupil.

2. You … from England.

3. My dad … tall and strong.

4. My  mum … very good.

5. This dog … fat.

6. We … happy.


Now tell us the right answer.

I’m glad to here your right answers You’ve got Key №6.

We are happy. Let’s sing a song.

Our station is “Musical”

Let’s move to the last station. “Riddles”

1.      Who can count well. Name the numerals from 1 to 20.

2.      Crossword.

Write the answer.

По вертикали.

1.      Прыгнула из лужи прямо на порог,

Заквакала от радости пучеглазка …

2.      Английская миссис, немецкая фрау –

Утром все доят кормилицу …

3.      Его ножки тонки-тонки,

Он упрямый очень …

4.      Чуть меня он не боднул,

Муж Буренки, грозный …

5.      Компот фруктовый ест из банки

На арене цирка …

6.      Почему сосисок нет?

Утащил их рыжий …

7.      Отправился спать в берлогу к себе я,

Хозяин я леса, зовут меня …

8.      От нее большущий вред,

Гнать из подвала нужно …

10.   Она есть хочет каждый миг,

Спать любит в лужах эта …

11.   На воле, вне кирпичных стен

Кудахтать любит наша …

По горизонтали.

3.      Пудель, такса и бульдог.

Есть у них названье - …

9.      Он цирковой интеллигент –

Огромный, важный …


You’ve got Key №7.


Look at the letters with the keys and make up the word, please.

We have a word “ENGLISH”

Do you Like English?


The queen of the land of English greet us and has some presents for you.


Home task.

Our unusual lesson is over.

Raise your head, jump up high,

Wave your hand and say good-bye.

Thank you for your good work.


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